well, we really enjoyed making this video for Metafit. anyone who has experienced one of their high intensity workouts will know what its all about. basic excersizes done well to awesome music with not much breaks in between. the classes are around 30 minutes long and by about 10 minutes you are seriously feeling in. as a true professional and dedicated producer james russell (flat frog MD) popped along to Hemel Sport space to experience a class for himself. apparently it took 3 days for him to get his breath back …

We made 2 separate videos for Metafit. the first a super cool looking teaser that will be played out across social media the second a more informative longer version to sit on their website. both where shot using the awesome cannon c300 with prime lenses and edited using pro x with a variety of special filters and effects added to give it a moody cool look – we love the end result – it makes me feel tired just watching it


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